Verbandsmagazin "Der Zoologische Garten"
Als Verband unterhält der VdZ ein eigenes Verbandsmagazin, welches seit dem Jahr 2019 neu beim Verlag Natur&Wissenschaft erscheint: "Der Zoologische Garten". Unten finden Sie die aktuellen Ausgaben, die bereits frei verfügbar sind, chronologisch nach ihrem Erscheinen geordnet.
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- Walking Less but Going Further – Male‘s Presence Reduces Walking Activity but Increases Space Use in a Group of Zoo-kept Female African Elephants (Loxodonta africana). CHRISTIAN SCHIFFMANN, LINDA SCHIFFMANN, RONNY MOCHE, WOLFGANG LUDWIG, PAUL W. DIERKES &
MARCUS CLAUSS - The First Behavioural Survey of ex-situ Bengal Floricans (Houbaropsis bengalensis blandini). MEGAN ENGLISH, LUCY STIFF, EMILY CASSADY, JASON MILLER & CHRISTEL GRIFFIOEN
- Taxonomy Goes Zoos: the Inevitable Relevance of Species Delimitation and Conservation Unit Recognition for Adequate ex situ Conservation Measures. SPARTACO GIPPOLITI & THOMAS ZIEGLER
- Investigating the Effect of Food Presentation on Black Lemur Behaviour. REBECCA PANAYI,MARC MICHAEL SWEENEY & JAMES EDWARD BRERERTON
- Enclosure Use of a Group of Yellow-Breasted Capuchins (Sapajus xanthosternos) at Allwetterzoo Münster. JULIAN OVERBERG, MIRIAM GÖBEL & ECKHARD W. HEYMANN
- Die Zucht von Nagelrochen (Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758) im Zoo am Meer Bremerhaven. FINN WENDT & HEIKE KÜCK
- Creation of an Ethogram for Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis) Based on a Group in Osnabrück Zoo (Germany): Social Behaviour. SABRINA M. HÖFT & UDO GANSLOSSER
- In Memoriam VR Dr. Klaus Teuchner. HELMUT PECHLANER & DIRK ULRICH
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- Foreword. THEO PAGEL
- Special Issue 50 Years Dolphin Husbandry at Nuremberg Zoo. JON PAUL RODRÍGUEZ
- Integrated Conservation Action for Small Cetaceans: A new Role for Modern Dolphinaria. LORENZO VON FERSEN & PHILIP S. MILLER
- Integrated Conservation Planning for Cetaceans. BARBARA L. TAYLOR et al.
- Measuring Hearing in Odontocete Cetaceans. PAUL E. NACHTIGALL & AUDE PACINI
- Applying Navy Dolphin Medicine to Conservation Medicine for Small Cetaceans. CYNTHIA R. SMITH et al.
- Development of Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Management at the Nuremberg and Duisburg Zoo over the past 50-plus years. KATRIN BAUMGARTNER, TIM HÜTTNER & KERSTIN TERNES
- Recent Progress and Future Directions for Conservation of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena asiaorientalis asiaorientalis). YUJIANG HAO et al.
- A Stepwise Approach for Science-based Conservation of Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops gephyreus) with Emphasis on the Patos Lagoon Population. EDUARDO R. SECCHI et al.
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- Non-invasive reproductive monitoring in round-eared elephant shrews (Macroscelides proboscideus). MARTIN POLOTZEK & FRANZ SCHWARZENBERGER
- Large carnivore feeding in European zoos. CELLINA L.M. KLEINLUGTENBELT, ANITA BURKEVICA & MARCUS CLAUSS
- Saisonalität von Geburten und Jugendmortalität und die Geburtszeit beim Südlichen Vikunja, Lama v. vicugna (Molina, 1782), in Zoos. CHRISTIAN R. SCHMIDT
- Wegweisende Entscheidungen, die in die Gegenwart hineinwirken – Zum 100. Geburtstag von Siegfried Seifert. JÖRG JUNHOLD & MARIA SAEGEBARTH
- Buchbesprechung: Nadler, T. (2022): Lost and found – The history of extermination, discovery and rediscovery of mammals in Vietnam. THOMAS ZIEGLER
- Husbandry, feeding, veterinary and reproductive management in maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in zoological facilities in Europe, Australia and North America. SONIA WEBER, RUBEN HOLLAND, MARCO ROLLER, CHERYL MORRIS & MARCUS CLAUSS

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- Die Auswirkungen der Beweidung mit Niederländischen Landziegen und Bentheimer Landschafen in einem verwilderten Heidegebiet. JETSKE VAN DEN BERG, CHRISTOPH LÜNTERBUSCH, DIRK WEWERS & NILS KRAMER
- Japan’s Native Domestic Animals – A Living Cultural Heritage. MOTOFUMI TAI, et al.
- Bemerkenswertes Lebensalter beim Dromedar. F. VELTE
- Gotta Chop ‘em All? Investigating the impact of food presentation on zoo-housed Azara’s agoutis. JENNA DAVISON et al.
- Gundis in European Zoos. Since when, how to keep, and why? SANDRA HONIGS & HARTMUT GREVEN
- Case report: COVID 19-Vaccination of two captive adult Bornean Orangutans. LUKAS KOMORNIK et al.
- Breeding station for the European hamster at Opel-Zoo Kronberg. MIRIAM GÖBEL et al.
- Killing zoo animals to feed carnivores in Germanspeaking zoos and its acceptance by staff, visitors, and media. CELLINA L. M. KLEINLUGTENBELT et al.
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- Foreword. THEO PAGEL
- Special Issue 50 Years Dolphin Husbandry at Nuremberg Zoo. JON PAUL RODRÍGUEZ
- Integrated Conservation Action for Small Cetaceans: A new Role for Modern Dolphinaria. LORENZO VON FERSEN & PHILIP S. MILLER
- Integrated Conservation Planning for Cetaceans. BARBARA L. TAYLOR et al.
- Measuring Hearing in Odontocete Cetaceans. PAUL E. NACHTIGALL & AUDE PACINI
- Applying Navy Dolphin Medicine to Conservation Medicine for Small Cetaceans. CYNTHIA R. SMITH et al.
- Development of Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) Management at the Nuremberg and Duisburg Zoo over the past 50-plus years. KATRIN BAUMGARTNER, TIM HÜTTNER & KERSTIN TERNES
- Recent Progress and Future Directions for Conservation of the Yangtze Finless Porpoise (Neophocaena asiaorientalis asiaorientalis). YUJIANG HAO et al.
- A Stepwise Approach for Science-based Conservation of Lahille’s Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops gephyreus) with Emphasis on the Patos Lagoon Population. EDUARDO R. SECCHI et al.
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- Non-invasive reproductive monitoring in round-eared elephant shrews (Macroscelides proboscideus). MARTIN POLOTZEK & FRANZ SCHWARZENBERGER
- Large carnivore feeding in European zoos. CELLINA L.M. KLEINLUGTENBELT, ANITA BURKEVICA & MARCUS CLAUSS
- Saisonalität von Geburten und Jugendmortalität und die Geburtszeit beim Südlichen Vikunja, Lama v. vicugna (Molina, 1782), in Zoos. CHRISTIAN R. SCHMIDT
- Wegweisende Entscheidungen, die in die Gegenwart hineinwirken – Zum 100. Geburtstag von Siegfried Seifert. JÖRG JUNHOLD & MARIA SAEGEBARTH
- Buchbesprechung: Nadler, T. (2022): Lost and found – The history of extermination, discovery and rediscovery of mammals in Vietnam. THOMAS ZIEGLER
- Husbandry, feeding, veterinary and reproductive management in maned wolves (Chrysocyon brachyurus) in zoological facilities in Europe, Australia and North America. SONIA WEBER, RUBEN HOLLAND, MARCO ROLLER, CHERYL MORRIS & MARCUS CLAUSS